by Darlene Muschett

“Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints.” Psalm 116:15

The psalmist was rejoicing in God's delivery through rough times (v8). The psalm writer moved from tribulation to adulation and invited all to praise God (v19). The faith expressed in this psalm reminds me of someone. Throughout her ninety seven years, she praised God despite one challenge after another. A broken femur, a broken pelvis, broken ribs and a broken hip slowed down her body but not her spirit. "If you know your God, that is all you need," she often said, regardless of her circumstances.

Last September, 2019 she entered God's eternal glory. She loved her God, her family, her friends of all ages and her church. I know these things are true because she was and is my precious Mama "Wease." As my family and I continue on our journey of grieving our loss, celebrating her earthly life, and counting on her eternal life, we take great comfort in the psalmist's words: "Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints."

Comforting God, help us to celebrate and support our loved ones each day. Amen

From "The Word in Season," second quarter, page 36, Augsburg Fortress Press, Author Darlene Muschett