by Marsha Harvey

I saw my ENT 3 days ago to have my 5 year cancer check up. Having had no problems, I presumed that I would be declared cancer free. I was, and that felt good.

On the way home from my appointment, the grace and enormity of this pronouncement washed over me. I wanted to scream and shout and jump for joy. Then I prayed with Thanks for this blessing. Then I cried thinking of all who have not been so lucky, and for their loved ones. My sister-in-law, sister, and husband all died from cancer - each one about 1 1/2 years after their diagnoses.

I thought of how much I would have missed -- friends, family, and especially my grandchildren -- had cancer claimed my life so quickly. I pledged to appreciate the great gift of life I have and to love every day of the rest of my life. Thanks be to God.